In the event that MoneyToAccount discovered the money was not delivered to your recipient, you will be notified and given the option to select whether to get a refund, or to retry with a new transaction at no cost to you. If a transaction cannot be completed due to natural calamity (i.e., road closure, infrastructure damage, or war, etc.) beyond the control of the Service, the transaction will be a refund. If the inability to deliver the transaction is due to the Sender’s incorrect or incomplete information, thus the fault of you, then the transaction is to be refunded minus the transaction fees and taxes may apply.
If you discover a discrepancy within 180 days of the transaction, you can notify MoneyToAccount about the discrepancy discovery. You must contact us using the provided CONTACT US page, describing the situation error and any other information pertaining to the discrepancy. The description should include your name, Transaction ID, date of the transaction, the sent amount, and the recipient info. MoneyToAccount has 90 days to respond and resolve the discrepancy. MoneyToAccount will investigate each discrepancy case individually to determine the course of action and follow up with an appropriate resolution. Once investigation completes, and the finding concludes that the error of origin is of the Service, MoneyToAccount will notify you of the findings and provide to you options for resolution.
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